Wednesday, July 30, 2014


It's hard to believe three months has come and gone since my last post on Gray's three month mark. This whole being a mama, working, and keeping up with a blog has proven to be really difficult. Kudos to all you ladies who manage it so flawlessly. I'm going to do my best to follow in your footsteps and keep y'all in the loop.

The Jones' household has undergone some major changes and events in the last ninety or so days...
Due to the fact I've slacked on the blog, here's a brief recap.

  • I returned to work on April 24th to finish out the school year (, while Tyler got to spend three weeks at home with baby boy.
  • Almost a month to the day later, May 23rd, I said my see ya laters, not goodbyes to the amazing friends I had made at BES. As much as I loved teaching and seeing those sweet kiddos on a daily basis, I now had my own ray of sunshine at home that I wanted to spend more time with and not miss out on his special moments. I'm so blessed to have a supportive husband, willing to make this happen. I will forever cherish my time at BES and greatly admire educators! 
  • Grayson went on his second road trip over Memorial Day weekend, this time to visit his Uncle Wayne + Aunt Dana in Livingston, AL. He had a few firsts, checking both Alabama + Mississippi off of his 'state list', going in the pool, and meeting his bunny-cousin, Minnie-Mae.
  • I took a huge leap of faith and began working for Harry Norman on June 2nd. I've always loved looking at homes and enjoy helping others, so this has been quite an exciting adventure for me. Not to mention, the flexibility is ah-mazing! Again, thank you to my sweet hubby for backing me up.
  • Celebrations galore! a.k.a. the "June Tri-fecto" as we lovingly referred to it: Tyler celebrated the big three-o on the 4th, we dined at St. Cecilia on the 5th in honor of our fourth wedding anniversary, and the hubs had his first father's day on the 14th. Best Daddy Award! 
  • After not having been to Charleston in over a year, we made it back mid-July. It was so exciting taking Gray for the first time! Just a few of our highlights included: baby boy's first boat ride, going to the spot on Sullivan's Island where Tyler and I got engaged, visiting Bay Street Biergarten (congratulations Ryan Workman + Laura Patrick on such a neat place...Charleston visitors, check it out!), playing at Alhambra, and spending precious time with family and friends.
  • Grayson is now rolling over, eating solids (peaches are his fave!), enjoying longer periods of tummy time, sitting up in grocery carts, and has graduated from his carseat to sitting big-boy style in the BOB. I'm trying to savor this time, as it's flying by far too quickly!

Life is good great.

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